Transaction #5659

Hash 54d505a4a33271457aded7bcab3c9b590ebf863c7cba486b0570eb87b95869ec
Status Success
Timestamp 430 days ago - 2/20/2023, 7:59:16 PM UTC+0
Block 5659
Stamps Used 40
Burned Fee 0.00236686 TAU
From cfa31cb203cc9f9bcc5f7664132376c0aad3278de823e761a6e6f943cb9976db 
Contract Name con_artd_traveldiffusion
Function Name mint_nft

Additional Info
Nonce 13
Processor 5b09493df6c18d17cc883ebce54fcb1f5afbd507533417fe32c006009a9c3c4a
Signature daacdf275535fefac67f7f752f6e9caf063f6ec31542194cdcb7dfda2a36eb8a78f6d11ec575f7e70b15b211e3dc17d95bd4c9e3b7c06f7aa6fc915875733802
Stamps Supplied 300
Stamps per TAU 169


amount 1
description This NFT collection is a beautiful and captivating tribute to my love of travel and photography. Each image is a carefully crafted blend of my travel photos using the stable diffusion model, creating a dreamlike quality that immerses viewers in the scene. The collection takes you on a journey through various landscapes inviting you to explore and appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world in a unique and inspiring way.
metadata {}
name Travel Diffusion 004-100

State Changes

Contract con_artd_traveldiffusion
Variable collection_nfts
Key Travel Diffusion 004-100
New Value {"amount":1,"description":"This NFT collection is a beautiful and captivating tribute to my love of travel and photography. Each image is a carefully crafted blend of my travel photos using the stable diffusion model, creating a dreamlike quality that immerses viewers in the scene. The collection takes you on a journey through various landscapes inviting you to explore and appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world in a unique and inspiring way.","ipfs_image_url":"","metadata":{}}
Contract con_artd_traveldiffusion
Variable collection_balances
Key cfa31cb203cc9f9bcc5f7664132376c0aad3278de823e761a6e6f943cb9976db:Travel Diffusion 004-100
New Value 1
Contract currency
Variable balances
Key cfa31cb203cc9f9bcc5f7664132376c0aad3278de823e761a6e6f943cb9976db
New Value 2540.08686345704113157