Transaction #17875

Hash 20fe38561a93a625d41a48d6bf61b3fce4278f4c8fd3251c6a9043bcb9bbf634
Status Failed
Error Message TypeError("____() got an unexpected keyword argument 'balance_contract'",)
Timestamp 337 days ago - 5/26/2023, 1:21:07 AM UTC+0
Block 17875
Stamps Used 34
Burned Fee 0.00201183 TAU
From 42a13c664781a24ab4aca978abb685d9c07ef9ae64a2af865a043e3186a66907 
Contract Name submission
Function Name submit_contract

Additional Info
Nonce 79
Processor a04b5891ef8cd27095373a4f75b899ec2bc0883c02e506a6a5b55b491998cc3f
Signature 8c3a6d5867512468f3c7fb6bb747c0d6f2047edff95ad46c5e0dede9fe05a671d1f79d33cb787bb3729b33d579365e378744b4b2f87233372646922217b32c0a
Stamps Supplied 2000
Stamps per TAU 169


code I = importlib # state = ForeignHash( # foreign_contract="con_rocketswap_official_v1_1", foreign_name="state" # ) # discount = ForeignHash( # foreign_contract="con_rocketswap_official_v1_1", foreign_name="discount" # ) token_interface = [ I.Func("transfer", args=("amount", "to")), I.Func("approve", args=("amount", "to")), I.Func("transfer_from", args=("amount", "to", "main_account")), ] base = Variable() pairs = Hash() prices = Hash(default_value=0) lp_points = Hash(default_value=0) reserves = Hash(default_value=[0, 0]) state = Hash() staked_amount = Hash(default_value=0) discount = Hash(default_value=1) @construct def init(base_contract: str): base.set(base_contract) state['FEE_PERCENTAGE'] = decimal('0.3') / 100 state['TOKEN_CONTRACT'] = 'con_rswp_lst001' state['TOKEN_DISCOUNT'] = decimal('0.75') state['BURN_PERCENTAGE'] = decimal('0.8') state['BURN_ADDRESS'] = 'burn' state['LOG_ACCURACY'] = decimal('1000000000.0') #The stamp difference for a higher number should be unnoticable state['SYNC_ENABLED'] = True state['MULTIPLIER'] = decimal('0.05') state['DISCOUNT_FLOOR'] = decimal('0.505') state['OWNER'] = ctx.caller @export def create_market(contract: str, base_amount: float = 0, token_amount: float = 0): assert contract != base.get(), "Cannot create a market for the base token!" assert pairs[contract] == None, "Market already exists!" assert contract != state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], "Only operator can create this market!" assert base_amount > 0 and token_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount and token amount!" base_token = I.import_module(base.get()) token = I.import_module(contract) assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" real_base_amount = balance_difference( base_token, ctx.caller, base.get(), base_amount ) real_token_amount = balance_difference( token, ctx.caller, contract, token_amount ) prices[contract] = real_base_amount / real_token_amount pairs[contract] = True lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] = 100 lp_points[contract] = 100 reserves[contract] = [real_base_amount, real_token_amount] return True @export def liquidity_balance_of(contract: str, account: str): return lp_points[contract, account] @export def add_liquidity(contract: str, base_amount: float = 0): assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!" assert base_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount!" base_token = I.import_module(base.get()) token = I.import_module(contract) assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" token_amount = base_amount / prices[contract] real_base_amount = balance_difference( base_token, ctx.caller, base.get(), base_amount ) real_token_amount = balance_difference( token, ctx.caller, contract, token_amount ) total_lp_points = lp_points[contract] base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract] points_per_base = total_lp_points / base_reserve lp_to_mint = points_per_base * real_base_amount lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] += lp_to_mint lp_points[contract] += lp_to_mint reserves[contract] = [ base_reserve + real_base_amount, token_reserve + real_token_amount, ] return lp_to_mint @export def remove_liquidity(contract: str, amount: float = 0): assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!" assert amount > 0, "Must be a positive LP point amount!" assert lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] >= amount, "Not enough LP points to remove!" base_token = I.import_module(base.get()) token = I.import_module(contract) assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" lp_percentage = amount / lp_points[contract] base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract] base_amount = base_reserve * lp_percentage token_amount = token_reserve * lp_percentage base_token.transfer(to=ctx.caller, amount=base_amount) token.transfer(to=ctx.caller, amount=token_amount) lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] -= amount lp_points[contract] -= amount assert lp_points[contract] > 1, "Not enough remaining liquidity!" new_base_reserve = base_reserve - base_amount new_token_reserve = token_reserve - token_amount assert new_base_reserve > 0 and new_token_reserve > 0, "Not enough remaining liquidity!" reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve] return base_amount, token_amount @export def transfer_liquidity(contract: str, to: str, amount: float): assert amount > 0, "Must be a positive LP point amount!" assert lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] >= amount, "Not enough LP points to transfer!" lp_points[contract, ctx.caller] -= amount lp_points[contract, to] += amount # @export # def approve_liquidity( # contract: str, to: str, amount: float, ctx_to_signer: bool = False # ): # assert amount > 0, "Cannot send negative balances!" # if ctx_to_signer is True: # lp_points[contract, ctx.signer, to] += amount # else: # lp_points[contract, ctx.caller, to] += amount @export def approve_liquidity(contract: str, to: str, amount: float): assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!' lp_points[contract, ctx.caller, to] += amount @export def transfer_liquidity_from(contract: str, to: str, main_account: str, amount: float): assert amount > 0, "Cannot send negative balances!" assert lp_points[contract, main_account, ctx.caller] >= amount, f"Not enough coins approved to send! You have {lp_points[main_account, ctx.caller]} and are trying to spend {amount}" assert lp_points[contract, main_account] >= amount, "Not enough coins to send!" lp_points[contract, main_account, ctx.caller] -= amount lp_points[contract, main_account] -= amount lp_points[contract, to] += amount @export def buy( contract: str, base_amount: float, minimum_received: float = 0, token_fees: bool = False, ): assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!" assert base_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount!" base_token = I.import_module(base.get()) token = I.import_module(contract) amm_token = I.import_module(state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]) assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" if contract == state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]: real_base_amount = balance_difference( base_token, ctx.caller, base.get(), base_amount ) tokens_purchased = internal_buy( contract=state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], base_amount=real_base_amount ) token.transfer(amount=tokens_purchased, to=ctx.caller) return tokens_purchased real_base_amount = balance_difference( base_token, ctx.caller, base.get(), base_amount ) base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract] k = base_reserve * token_reserve new_base_reserve = base_reserve + real_base_amount new_token_reserve = k / new_base_reserve tokens_purchased = token_reserve - new_token_reserve fee_percent = state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"] * discount[ctx.caller] fee = tokens_purchased * fee_percent if token_fees is True: fee = fee * state["TOKEN_DISCOUNT"] rswp_k = base_reserve * token_reserve rswp_new_token_reserve = token_reserve + fee rswp_new_base_reserve = rswp_k / rswp_new_token_reserve rswp_base_purchased = base_reserve - rswp_new_base_reserve rswp_base_purchased += rswp_base_purchased * fee_percent rswp_base_reserve_2, rswp_token_reserve_2 = reserves[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] rswp_k_2 = rswp_base_reserve_2 * rswp_token_reserve_2 rswp_new_base_reserve_2 = rswp_base_reserve_2 + rswp_base_purchased rswp_new_base_reserve_2 += rswp_base_purchased * fee_percent rswp_new_token_reserve_2 = rswp_k_2 / rswp_new_base_reserve_2 sell_amount = rswp_token_reserve_2 - rswp_new_token_reserve_2 sell_amount_with_fee = sell_amount * state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"] amm_token.transfer_from( amount=sell_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller ) base_received = internal_sell( contract=state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], token_amount=sell_amount_with_fee ) amm_token.transfer( amount=sell_amount - sell_amount_with_fee, to=state["BURN_ADDRESS"] ) token_received = internal_buy(contract=contract, base_amount=base_received) new_base_reserve += ( reserves[contract][0] - base_reserve ) new_token_reserve += ( reserves[contract][1] - token_reserve ) new_token_reserve = new_token_reserve + token_received else: tokens_purchased = tokens_purchased - fee burn_amount = internal_buy( contract=state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], base_amount=internal_sell( contract=contract, token_amount=fee - fee * state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"] ), ) new_base_reserve += reserves[contract][0] - base_reserve new_token_reserve += reserves[contract][1] - token_reserve new_token_reserve = new_token_reserve + fee * state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"] amm_token.transfer(amount=burn_amount, to=state["BURN_ADDRESS"]) if minimum_received != None: assert tokens_purchased >= minimum_received, f"Only {tokens_purchased} tokens can be purchased, which is less than your minimum, which is {minimum_received} tokens." assert tokens_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!" token.transfer(amount=tokens_purchased, to=ctx.caller) reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve] prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve return tokens_purchased @export def sell( contract: str, token_amount: float, minimum_received: float = 0, token_fees: bool = False, ): assert pairs[contract] is True, "Market does not exist!" assert token_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount and token amount!" base_token = I.import_module(base.get()) token = I.import_module(contract) amm_token = I.import_module(state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]) assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" if contract == state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]: real_token_amount = balance_difference( token, ctx.caller, contract, token_amount ) base_purchased = internal_sell( contract=state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], token_amount=real_token_amount ) base_token.transfer(amount=base_purchased, to=ctx.caller) return base_purchased real_token_amount = balance_difference( token, ctx.caller, contract, token_amount ) base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract] k = base_reserve * token_reserve new_token_reserve = token_reserve + real_token_amount new_base_reserve = k / new_token_reserve base_purchased = base_reserve - new_base_reserve fee_percent = state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"] * discount[ctx.caller] fee = base_purchased * fee_percent if token_fees is True: fee = fee * state["TOKEN_DISCOUNT"] rswp_base_reserve, rswp_token_reserve = reserves[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] rswp_k = rswp_base_reserve * rswp_token_reserve rswp_new_base_reserve = rswp_base_reserve + fee rswp_new_base_reserve += fee * fee_percent rswp_new_token_reserve = rswp_k / rswp_new_base_reserve sell_amount = rswp_token_reserve - rswp_new_token_reserve sell_amount_with_fee = sell_amount * state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"] amm_token.transfer_from( amount=sell_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller ) base_received = internal_sell( contract=state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], token_amount=sell_amount_with_fee ) amm_token.transfer( amount=sell_amount - sell_amount_with_fee, to=state["BURN_ADDRESS"] ) new_base_reserve = new_base_reserve + base_received else: base_purchased = base_purchased - fee burn_amount = fee - fee * state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"] new_base_reserve = new_base_reserve + fee * state["BURN_PERCENTAGE"] token_received = internal_buy( contract=state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], base_amount=burn_amount ) amm_token.transfer(amount=token_received, to=state["BURN_ADDRESS"]) if minimum_received != None: assert base_purchased >= minimum_received, f"Only {base_purchased} TAU can be purchased, which is less than your minimum, which is {minimum_received} TAU." assert base_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!" base_token.transfer(amount=base_purchased, to=ctx.caller) reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve] prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve return base_purchased @export def create_rswp_market(base_amount: float = 0, token_amount: float = 0): assert ctx.caller == state["OWNER"], "Only owner can call this method!" assert pairs[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] is None, "Market already exists!" assert base_amount > 0 and token_amount > 0, "Must provide base amount and token amount!" base_token = I.import_module(base.get()) amm_token = I.import_module(state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]) assert I.enforce_interface(base_token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" base_token.transfer_from(amount=base_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller) amm_token.transfer_from(amount=token_amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller) prices[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = base_amount / token_amount pairs[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = True lp_points[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"], ctx.caller] = 100 lp_points[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = 100 reserves[state["TOKEN_CONTRACT"]] = [base_amount, token_amount] return True @export def sync_reserves(contract: str): assert state["SYNC_ENABLED"] is True, "Sync is not enabled!" token_balance = ForeignHash(foreign_contract=contract, foreign_name="balances") new_balance = token_balance[ctx.this] assert new_balance > 0, "Cannot be a negative balance!" reserves[contract][1] = new_balance return new_balance def balance_difference(token, caller, contract, amount): token_balance = ForeignHash(foreign_contract=contract, foreign_name="balances") v2_balance_1 = token_balance[ctx.this] token.transfer_from(amount=amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=caller) v2_balance_2 = token_balance[ctx.this] real_amount = v2_balance_2 - v2_balance_1 return real_amount def internal_buy(contract: str, base_amount: float): assert pairs[contract] is True, "RSWP Market does not exist!" if base_amount <= 0: return 0 token = I.import_module(contract) assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract] k = base_reserve * token_reserve new_base_reserve = base_reserve + base_amount new_token_reserve = k / new_base_reserve tokens_purchased = token_reserve - new_token_reserve fee = tokens_purchased * state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"] tokens_purchased -= fee new_token_reserve += fee assert tokens_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!" reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve] prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve return tokens_purchased def internal_sell(contract: str, token_amount: float): assert pairs[contract] is True, "RSWP Market does not exist!" if token_amount <= 0: return 0 token = I.import_module(contract) assert I.enforce_interface(token, token_interface), "Invalid token interface!" base_reserve, token_reserve = reserves[contract] k = base_reserve * token_reserve new_token_reserve = token_reserve + token_amount new_base_reserve = k / new_token_reserve base_purchased = base_reserve - new_base_reserve fee = base_purchased * state["FEE_PERCENTAGE"] base_purchased -= fee new_base_reserve += fee assert base_purchased > 0, "Token reserve error!" reserves[contract] = [new_base_reserve, new_token_reserve] prices[contract] = new_base_reserve / new_token_reserve return base_purchased
constructor_args {"balance_contract":"currency"}
name con_dex_v2_test8

State Changes

Contract currency
Variable balances
Key 42a13c664781a24ab4aca978abb685d9c07ef9ae64a2af865a043e3186a66907
New Value 3211.126467376886056158577846318653