Contract con_testfarm20

Contract Code

1 import currency # For buy function
3 #NFTs are always part of a collection.
5 collection_name = Variable() # The name of the collection for display
6 collection_owner = Variable() # Only the owner can mint new NFTs for this collection
7 collection_nfts = Hash(default_value=0) # All NFTs of the collection
8 collection_balances = Hash(default_value=0) # All user balances of the NFTs
9 collection_balances_approvals = Hash(default_value=0) # Approval amounts of certain NFTs
10 plants = Hash(default_value=0) #store various data related to plants and growing seasons
11 metadata = Hash()
12 nicknames = Hash()
13 emergency = Hash()
15 random.seed()
17 @construct
18 def seed():
19 collection_name.set("Test_plants") # Sets the name
20 collection_owner.set(ctx.caller) # Sets the owner
21 metadata['operator'] = ctx.caller
23 metadata['growing_season_length'] = 14
24 metadata['plant price'] = 5
25 #metadata['event_handler'] = 'con_bbf_events_01'
26 metadata['ipfs_contract'] = 'con_testipfs1'
28 plants['growing_season'] = False
29 plants['growing_season_start_time'] = now
30 plants['count'] = 0
31 plants['active_generation'] = -1
32 emergency['addresses'] = {
33 'ae7d14d6d9b8443f881ba6244727b69b681010e782d4fe482dbfb0b6aca02d5d' : 0,
34 '49aceeabdccdcb39f8c2c112e110ead1a5fef22c644825c1917b2df3204c433f' : 0,
35 'e8dc708028e049397b5baf9579924dde58ce5bebee5655da0b53066117572e73' : 0
36 }
38 nicknames = {}
41 @export
42 def change_metadata(key: str, new_value: str, convert_to_decimal: bool=False):
43 assert ctx.caller == metadata['operator'], "only operator can set metadata"
44 if convert_to_decimal:
45 new_value = decimal(new_value)
46 metadata[key] = new_value
48 # function to mint a new NFT
49 def mint_nft(name: str, description: str, ipfs_image_url: str, nft_metadata: dict, amount: int):
50 assert name != "", "Name cannot be empty"
51 assert collection_nfts[name] == 0, "Name already exists"
52 assert amount > 0, "You cannot transfer negative amounts"
54 collection_nfts[name] = {"description": description, "ipfs_image_url": ipfs_image_url, "nft_metadata": f"See collection_nfts[{name},'nft_metadata']", "amount": amount} # Adds NFT to collection with all details
55 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = nft_metadata
56 collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] = amount # Mints the NFT
58 # standard transfer function
59 @export
60 def transfer(name: str, amount:int, to: str):
61 assert amount > 0, "You cannot transfer negative amounts"
62 assert name != "", "Please specify the name of the NFT you want to transfer"
63 assert collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] >= amount, "You don't have enough NFTs to send"
65 collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] -= amount # Removes amount from sender
66 collection_balances[to, name] += amount # Adds amount to receiver
68 # allows other account to spend on your behalf
69 @export
70 def approve(amount: int, name: str, to: str):
71 assert amount > 0, "Cannot approve negative amounts"
73 collection_balances_approvals[ctx.caller, to, name] += amount # Approves certain amount for spending by another account
75 # transfers on your behalf
76 @export
77 def transfer_from(name:str, amount:int, to: str, main_account: str):
78 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
80 assert collection_balances_approvals[main_account, to, name] >= amount, "Not enough NFTs approved to send! You have {} and are trying to spend {}"\
81 .format(collection_balances_approvals[main_account, to, name], amount)
82 assert collection_balances[main_account, name] >= amount, "Not enough NFTs to send!"
84 collection_balances_approvals[main_account, to, name] -= amount # Removes Approval Amount
85 collection_balances[main_account, name] -= amount # Removes amount from sender
87 collection_balances[to, name] += amount # Adds amount to receiver
89 @export
90 def start_growing_season():
91 assert collection_owner.get() == ctx.caller, "Only the owner can start a growing season."
92 grow_season = plants['growing_season']
93 assert grow_season == False, "It is already growing season."
94 growing_season_length = metadata['growing_season_length']
95 active_gen = plants['active_generation']
96 active_gen += 1
97 plants['growing_season'] = True
98 plants['growing_season_start_time'] = now
99 plants['growing_season_end_time'] = now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = growing_season_length)
100 plants[active_gen, 'finalize_time'] = now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = growing_season_length + 5)
101 plants['active_generation'] = active_gen
102 plants[active_gen, 'total_berries'] = 0
103 plants[active_gen, 'sellable_berries'] = 0
104 plants[active_gen, 'total_tau'] = 0
105 plants[active_gen, 'claimable_tau'] = 0
106 plants[active_gen,'stale_claim_time'] = now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = growing_season_length + 30)
109 @export
110 def buy_plant(nick : str):
111 assert plants['growing_season'] == True, 'The growing season has not started, so you cannot buy a plant.'
112 #assert plants['growing_season_end_time'] >= now + datetime.timedelta(days = 12), "It's too far into the growing season and you cannot buy a plant now."
113 assert not nick.isdigit(), "The plant nickname can't be an integer."
114 assert bool(collection_nfts[nick]) == False, "This nickname already exists."
115 assert nick.isalnum() == True, "Only alphanumeric characters allowed."
116 assert nick != "", "Name cannot be empty"
117 assert len(nick) >= 3, "The minimum length is 3 characters."
118 plant_generation = plants['active_generation']
120 plant_data = {
121 "current_water": (random.randint(70, 90)),
122 "current_bugs" : (random.randint(5, 25)),
123 "current_photosynthesis" : 0,
124 "current_nutrients" : (random.randint(70, 90)),
125 "current_weeds" : (random.randint(5, 25)),
126 "current_toxicity" : 0,
127 "current_weather" : 1,
128 "last_interaction" : now,
129 "last_daily" : now,
130 "last_calc" : now,
131 "alive" : True,
132 "last_squash_weed" : (now + datetime.timedelta(days = -1)),
133 "last_grow_light" : (now + datetime.timedelta(days = -1)),
134 "burn_amount" : 0
135 }
137 plant_calc_data = {
138 "previous_water": plant_data["current_water"],
139 "previous_bugs" : plant_data["current_bugs"],
140 "previous_nutrients" : plant_data["current_nutrients"],
141 "previous_weeds" : plant_data["current_weeds"],
142 "total_water": 0,
143 "total_bugs" : 0,
144 "total_nutrients" : 0,
145 "total_weeds": 0
146 }
148 p_count = plants['count'] + 1
149 name = f"Gen_{plant_generation}_{p_count}"
150 collection_nfts[nick] = [plant_generation , p_count]
151 payment(plant_generation, metadata['plant price'])
153 #assigns random, one time use IPFS image
154 ipfs_c = importlib.import_module(metadata['ipfs_contract'])
155 ipfs_image_url = ipfs_c.pick_random()
157 mint_nft(name,'This is a blueberry plant. Keep it alive and healthy by tending to it during growing season.' , ipfs_image_url , plant_data,1)
158 collection_nfts[name,'plant_calc_data'] = plant_calc_data
159 plants['count'] = p_count
160 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"],ipfs_image_url]
162 def action_setup(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int):
163 active_generation = plants['active_generation']
164 assert plant_generation == active_generation, f'The plant you are trying to interact with is not part of the current generation. The current generation is {active_generation}.'
165 name = f'Gen_{plant_generation}_{plant_number}'
166 assert collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] == 1, "You do not own this plant."
167 assert now <= plants['growing_season_end_time'], 'The growing season is not active, so you cannot interact with your plant.'
168 if ctx.caller.startswith('con_'): return
169 plant_data = collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"]
170 assert plant_data["alive"] == True, 'Your plant is dead due to neglect and you must buy a new plant to try again. Try not to kill it too.'
172 #interaction idle check. If idle too long, plant gets penalized.
173 if now > plant_data['last_interaction'] + datetime.timedelta(hours = 12):
174 plant_data["current_water"] -= (random.randint(5, 15))
175 plant_data["current_bugs"] += (random.randint(5, 15))
176 plant_data["current_nutrients"] -= (random.randint(5, 15))
177 plant_data["current_weeds"] += (random.randint(5, 15))
179 plant_data = daily_conditions(plant_data, plant_generation) #checks if weather and other daily conditions need updating
180 plant_data = totalizer_calc(plant_data,name) #checks if enough time has passed to add info to the plant totalizer calculations
182 #if (random.randint(1, 10)) == 10 : #10% chance of an event happening #RANDOM EVENTS NOT WORKING. COMMENTING OUT UNTIL FIXED
183 # event_contract = importlib.import_module(metadata['event_handler'])
184 # plant_data = event_contract.event(plant_data)
186 plant_data = dead_check(plant_data)
187 plant_data['last_interaction'] = now #resets the interaction time
189 plant_all = {
190 'plant_data' : plant_data,
191 'name' : name
192 }
194 return plant_all
196 def daily_conditions(plant_data, plant_generation):
197 while now - plant_data["last_daily"] > datetime.timedelta(minutes = 3) and now < (plants[plant_generation, 'finalize_time'] + datetime.timedelta(minutes = -5)): #Loops through to calculate changes to plant if it's been more than a day since the last day's changes. Does multiple days worth too if needed
198 current_weather = random.randint(1, 3) # 1=sunny 2=cloudy 3=rainy
199 if current_weather == 1:
200 plant_data["current_water"] -= (random.randint(5, 10)) #how much water is lost each sunny day
201 plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] += (random.randint(4, 7)) #How much photosynthesis increases each sunny day
202 if current_weather == 2:
203 plant_data["current_water"] -= (random.randint(3, 8)) #how much water is lost each cloudy day
204 plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] += (random.randint(2, 4)) #How much photosynthesis increases each cloudy day
205 if current_weather == 3:
206 plant_data["current_water"] += (random.randint(3, 12)) #how much water is gained each rainy day
207 plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] += (random.randint(1, 2)) #How much photosynthesis increases each rainy day
209 plant_data["current_bugs"] += (random.randint(3, 10)) #how many bugs are added each day
210 plant_data["current_nutrients"] -= (random.randint(2, 5)) #how many nutrients are consumed each day
211 plant_data["current_weeds"] += (random.randint(2, 10)) #how many weeds grow each day
212 plant_data["last_daily"] += datetime.timedelta(hours = 12)
213 plant_data["current_weather"] = current_weather
214 plant_data['current_toxicity'] -= (random.randint(0, 2))
216 if plant_data['current_toxicity'] < 0:
217 plant_data['current_toxicity'] = 0
219 if plant_data['current_water'] > 100 : #water can't be above 100%
220 plant_data['current_water'] = 100
222 if plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] > 100 :
223 plant_data["burn_amount"] += (plant_data["current_photosynthesis"]-100)
224 plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] = 100
226 return plant_data
228 def totalizer_calc(plant_data,name):
229 if now > plant_data['last_calc'] + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 3):
230 delta = now - plant_data['last_calc']
231 delta_d = (delta.seconds / 86400)
232 plant_calc_data = collection_nfts[name,'plant_calc_data']
233 #This sections performs an integral on the various properties for use in determining total berries produced.
234 plant_calc_data["total_water"] += (delta_d**2*((plant_data["current_water"]/100-plant_calc_data["previous_water"]/100)/(delta_d))/2)+plant_calc_data["previous_water"]/100*delta_d
235 plant_calc_data["total_bugs"] += (delta_d**2*(((1-plant_data["current_bugs"]/100)-(1-plant_calc_data["previous_bugs"]/100))/(delta_d))/2)+(1-plant_calc_data["previous_bugs"]/100)*delta_d
236 plant_calc_data["total_nutrients"] += (delta_d**2*((plant_data["current_nutrients"]/100-plant_calc_data["previous_nutrients"]/100)/(delta_d))/2)+plant_calc_data["previous_nutrients"]/100*delta_d
237 plant_calc_data["total_weeds"] += (delta_d**2*(((1-plant_data["current_weeds"]/100)-(1-plant_calc_data["previous_weeds"]/100))/(delta_d))/2)+(1-plant_calc_data["previous_weeds"]/100)*delta_d
238 plant_data['last_calc'] = now
239 #Updates previous values for next calculation period.
240 plant_calc_data["previous_water"] = plant_data["current_water"]
241 plant_calc_data["previous_bugs"] = plant_data["current_bugs"]
242 plant_calc_data["previous_nutrients"] = plant_data["current_nutrients"]
243 plant_calc_data["previous_weeds"] = plant_data["current_weeds"]
245 collection_nfts[name,'plant_calc_data'] = plant_calc_data
247 return plant_data
249 def dead_check(plant_data): #checks to see if your plant has died.
250 if plant_data["current_toxicity"] >= 100 or plant_data["current_bugs"] >= 100 or plant_data["current_weeds"] >= 100 or plant_data["burn_amount"] >= 100:
251 plant_data["alive"] = False
252 if plant_data["current_water"] <= 0 or plant_data["current_nutrients"] <= 0:
253 plant_data["alive"] = False
254 return plant_data
256 @export
257 def water(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int, num_times : int = 1): #Water your plant to increase its current_water.
258 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
259 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
260 name = plant_all['name']
262 for x in range(0, num_times):
263 plant_data['current_water'] += (random.randint(5, 15))
264 if plant_data['current_water'] > 100 : #water can't be above 1
265 plant_data['current_water'] = 100
267 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
268 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
270 @export
271 def squash(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #Squash bugs to reduce current_bugs and takes 5 minutes. Share's a timer with pullweeds.
272 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
273 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
274 name = plant_all['name']
276 t_delta = plant_data["last_squash_weed"] + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 5)
277 assert now > t_delta, f"You are still squashing bugs or pulling weeds. Try again at {t_delta}."
279 plant_data['current_bugs'] -= (random.randint(2, 5))
280 if plant_data['current_bugs'] < 0 :
281 plant_data['current_bugs'] = 0
283 plant_data["last_squash_weed"] = now
284 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
285 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
287 @export
288 def spraybugs(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #Spray bugs to instantly reduce current_bugs but costs tau and adds small amount of toxicity
289 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
290 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
291 name = plant_all['name']
293 plant_data['current_toxicity'] += (random.randint(1, 3))
295 plant_data['current_bugs'] -= (random.randint(10, 20))
296 if plant_data['current_bugs'] < 0 :
297 plant_data['current_bugs'] = 0
299 payment(plant_generation, 5)
300 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
301 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
303 @export
304 def growlights(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #add photosynthesis to help plant catchup after several rainy days. Adds amount to current_photosynthesis but if it goes over 100%, burns your plant.
305 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
306 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
307 name = plant_all['name']
309 t_delta = plant_data["last_grow_light"] + datetime.timedelta(hours = 12)
310 assert now > t_delta, f"You have used a grow light or shade too recently. Try again at {t_delta}."
312 payment(plant_generation, 5)
313 plant_data['current_photosynthesis'] += (random.randint(3, 5))
314 plant_data["last_grow_light"] = now
316 if plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] > 100 :
317 plant_data["burn_amount"] += (plant_data["current_photosynthesis"]-100)
318 plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] = 100
320 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
321 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
323 @export
324 def shade(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #shades your plant to reduce photosynthesis by a small amount
325 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
326 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
327 name = plant_all['name']
329 t_delta = plant_data["last_grow_light"] + datetime.timedelta(hours = 12)
330 assert now > t_delta, f"You have used a grow light or shade too recently. Try again at {t_delta}."
332 plant_data['current_photosynthesis'] -= (random.randint(3, 5))
333 plant_data["last_grow_light"] = now
335 if plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] < 0 :
336 plant_data["current_photosynthesis"] = 0
338 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
339 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
341 @export
342 def fertilize(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int, num_times : int = 1): #increases current nutrients of the plant but if nutrients go over 100%, it burns your plant.
343 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
344 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
345 name = plant_all['name']
347 for x in range(0, num_times):
348 plant_data['current_nutrients'] += (random.randint(4, 6))
350 if plant_data['current_nutrients'] > 100 :
351 plant_data["burn_amount"] += (plant_data['current_nutrients']-100)
352 plant_data['current_nutrients'] = 100
354 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
355 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
357 @export
358 def pullweeds(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #reduces current weeds in plant and takes 5 minutes to do. Share's a timer with squash bugs.
360 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
361 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
362 name = plant_all['name']
364 t_delta = plant_data["last_squash_weed"] + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 5)
365 assert now > t_delta, f"You are still squashing bugs or pulling weeds. Try again at {t_delta}."
367 plant_data['current_weeds'] -= (random.randint(2, 5))
368 if plant_data['current_weeds'] < 0 :
369 plant_data['current_weeds'] = 0
371 plant_data["last_squash_weed"] = now
372 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
373 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
375 @export
376 def sprayweeds(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #Spray weeds to instantly reduce current_weeds but costs tau and adds small amount of toxicity
377 plant_all = action_setup(plant_generation,plant_number) #Runs the main method that performs all of the various checks required for the plant.
378 plant_data = plant_all['plant_data']
379 name = plant_all['name']
381 plant_data['current_toxicity'] += (random.randint(1, 3))
383 plant_data['current_weeds'] -= (random.randint(10, 20))
384 if plant_data['current_weeds'] < 0 :
385 plant_data['current_weeds'] = 0
387 payment(plant_generation, 5)
389 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
390 return [plant_data["current_water"],plant_data["current_photosynthesis"],plant_data["current_bugs"],plant_data["current_nutrients"],plant_data["current_weeds"],plant_data['current_toxicity'],plant_data["burn_amount"],plant_data["current_weather"]]
392 @export
393 def finalize(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #Finalizes your plant at the end of growing season to deterimine your berry yield.
394 active_generation = plants['active_generation']
395 assert plant_generation == active_generation, f'The plant you are trying to interact with is not part of the current generation. The current generation is {active_generation}.'
396 name = f'Gen_{plant_generation}_{plant_number}'
397 assert collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] == 1, "You do not own this plant."
398 assert collection_nfts[name,'finalized'] == False, 'This plant has already been finalized.'
399 end_time = plants['growing_season_end_time']
400 finalize_time = plants[plant_generation, 'finalize_time']
401 assert now <= finalize_time and now >= end_time, f'It is not time to finalize your plant. Try between {end_time} and {finalize_time}'
402 if ctx.caller.startswith('con_'): return
403 plant_data = collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"]
404 plant_data = daily_conditions(plant_data, plant_generation) #checks if weather and other daily conditions need updating
405 plant_data = dead_check(plant_data)
406 if plant_data["alive"] == False:
407 plant_data['last_calc'] = now
408 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
409 return 'Your plant is dead due to neglect and you cannot grow any berries. Try again next season.'
411 if plants['growing_season'] == True : #first person to run this also turns growing_season to false and resets plant counter for next growing season
412 plants['growing_season'] = False
413 plants['count'] = 0
415 delta = end_time - plant_data['last_calc']
416 delta_d = (delta.seconds / 86400)
418 plant_calc_data = collection_nfts[name,'plant_calc_data']
419 #This sections performs an integral on the various properties for use in determining total berries produced.
420 plant_calc_data["total_water"] += (delta_d**2*((plant_data["current_water"]/100-plant_calc_data["previous_water"]/100)/(delta_d))/2)+plant_calc_data["previous_water"]/100*delta_d
421 plant_calc_data["total_bugs"] += (delta_d**2*(((1-plant_data["current_bugs"]/100)-(1-plant_calc_data["previous_bugs"]/100))/(delta_d))/2)+(1-plant_calc_data["previous_bugs"]/100)*delta_d
422 plant_calc_data["total_nutrients"] += (delta_d**2*((plant_data["current_nutrients"]/100-plant_calc_data["previous_nutrients"]/100)/(delta_d))/2)+plant_calc_data["previous_nutrients"]/100*delta_d
423 plant_calc_data["total_weeds"] += (delta_d**2*(((1-plant_data["current_weeds"]/100)-(1-plant_calc_data["previous_weeds"]/100))/(delta_d))/2)+(1-plant_calc_data["previous_weeds"]/100)*delta_d
424 collection_nfts[name,'plant_calc_data'] = plant_calc_data
426 plant_data['last_calc'] = now
427 collection_nfts[name,"nft_metadata"] = plant_data
429 length = metadata['growing_season_length']
430 berries = int(1000 * ((plant_calc_data["total_water"]*plant_calc_data["total_bugs"]*plant_calc_data["total_nutrients"]*plant_calc_data["total_weeds"])/(length**4))*(1-plant_data['current_toxicity']/100)*(plant_data["current_photosynthesis"]/100)*(1-plant_data["burn_amount"]/100))
431 collection_nfts[name,'berries'] = berries
432 collection_nfts[name,'final_score'] = berries
433 plants[plant_generation,'total_berries'] += berries
435 if plants[plant_generation, 'claimable_tau'] == 0: #sets the total amount of tau that can be claimed by players.
436 plants[plant_generation, 'claimable_tau'] = plants[plant_generation, 'total_tau']
438 collection_nfts[name,'finalized'] == True
439 berries = str(berries)
440 return berries
442 @export
443 def sellberries(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int): #redeem berries for TAU. Must be done after plant finalize time is over.
444 name = f'Gen_{plant_generation}_{plant_number}'
445 assert collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] == 1, "You do not own this plant."
446 berries = collection_nfts[name,'berries']
447 assert berries > 0, "You don't have any berries to sell."
448 assert now >= plants[plant_generation, 'finalize_time'], f"You can't sell yet. Try again after {plants[plant_generation, 'finalize_time']} but do not wait too long."
449 sell_price = plants[plant_generation, 'total_tau'] / plants[plant_generation,'total_berries']
450 proceeds = sell_price * berries
451 currency.transfer(amount=proceeds, to=ctx.caller)
452 collection_nfts[name,'berries'] = 0
453 plants[plant_generation, 'claimable_tau'] -= proceeds
454 proceeds = str(proceeds)
455 return proceeds
457 def payment(plant_generation, amount): #used to process payments
458 dev_reward = 0.05
459 currency.transfer_from(amount=amount*(1-dev_reward), to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
460 currency.transfer_from(amount=amount*dev_reward, to=metadata['operator'], main_account=ctx.caller)
461 plants[plant_generation, 'total_tau'] += amount*(1-dev_reward)
463 @export
464 def manual_reward_add(plant_generation : int, amount : int): #used to manually add more tau to the prize pool
465 currency.transfer_from(amount=amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
466 plants[plant_generation, 'total_tau'] += amount
468 @export
469 def stale_claims(plant_generation : int): #used by the operator to claim tau from a plant generation that ended at least 30 days prior. This allows players ample time to sell their berries
470 assert metadata['operator'] == ctx.caller, "Only the operator can claim stale tau."
471 stale_claim_time = plants[plant_generation,'stale_claim_time']
472 assert now >= stale_claim_time, f"The tau is not stale yet and cannot be claimed. Try again after {stale_claim_time}"
473 stale_tau = plants[plant_generation, 'claimable_tau']
474 assert stale_tau > 0, "There is no stale tau to claim."
475 currency.transfer(amount=stale_tau, to=ctx.caller)
477 @export
478 def manual_season_end(): #only needed if for some reason there were no finalized plants in the current grow season
479 assert metadata['operator'] == ctx.caller, "Only the operator can do this."
480 assert now > plants['growing_season_end_time'], "You can't end the season before the end_time."
481 plants['growing_season'] = False
482 plants['count'] = 0
484 @export
485 def new_nickname(plant_generation : int, plant_number : int, nick : str):
486 name = f'Gen_{plant_generation}_{plant_number}'
487 assert collection_balances[ctx.caller, name] == 1, "You do not own this plant."
488 assert not nick.isdigit(), "The plant nickname can't be an integer."
489 assert bool(collection_nfts[nick]) == False, "This nickname already exists."
490 assert nick.isalnum() == True, "Only alphanumeric characters allowed."
491 assert nick != "", "Name cannot be empty"
492 assert len(nick) >= 3, "The minimum length is 3 characters."
493 payment(plant_generation, 25)
494 collection_nfts[nick] = [plant_generation , plant_number]
496 @export
497 def nickname_interaction(nickname : str, function_name :str): #allows players to interact with a plant based on its nickname
498 nick = collection_nfts[nickname]
500 function_names = {
501 'water' : water,
502 'squash' : squash,
503 'spraybugs' : spraybugs,
504 'growlights' : growlights,
505 'shade' : shade,
506 'fertilize' : fertilize,
507 'pullweeds' : pullweeds,
508 'sprayweeds' : sprayweeds,
509 'finalize' : finalize,
510 'sellberries' : sellberries
511 }
513 return function_names[function_name](nick[0],nick[1])
515 @export
516 def e_wdraw_enable(enable:bool):
517 emergency_addresses = emergency['addresses']
518 call_address = ctx.caller
519 assert call_address in emergency_addresses.keys(), "You are not approved to do this."
520 emergency_addresses[call_address] = int(enable)
521 emergency['addresses'] = emergency_addresses
523 @export
524 def safe_emergency_withdraw(amount:float): #can only be run if at least 2 of 3 multisig accounts approve of the emergency_withdraw
525 emergency_addresses = emergency['addresses']
526 call_address = ctx.caller
527 approval_check = sum(emergency_addresses.values())
528 assert approval_check >= 2, "An emergency withdrawal is not approved."
529 assert metadata['operator'] == call_address, "Only the operator can claim tau."
530 currency.transfer(amount=amount, to=call_address)
532 @export
533 def emergency_withdraw(amount:float): #temporary function used in testing. will be removed from final contract.
534 assert metadata['operator'] == ctx.caller, "Only the operator can claim tau."
535 currency.transfer(amount=amount, to=ctx.caller)

Byte Code
