Contract con_poker_hand_controller_v3

Contract Code

1 # con_poker_hand_controller_v3
2 # owner: con_poker_card_games_v4
4 import con_rsa_encryption as rsa
5 import con_otp_v1 as otp
6 import con_hand_evaluator_v1 as evaluator
8 random.seed()
15 MAX_RANDOM_NUMBER = 99999999
16 NO_LIMIT = 0
17 POT_LIMIT = 1
18 FLOP = 1
19 TURN = 2
20 RIVER = 3
22 def get_players_and_assert_exists(game_id: str, games: Any) -> dict:
23 players = games[game_id, 'players']
24 assert players is not None, f'Game {game_id} does not exist.'
25 return players
28 def active_player_sort(players: list) -> int:
29 def sort(player):
30 return players.index(player)
31 return sort
34 def create_hand_id(name: str) -> str:
35 return hashlib.sha3(":".join([name, str(now)]))
38 @export
39 def start_hand(game_id: str, dealer: str, games: Any, hands: Any) -> str:
40 players = get_players_and_assert_exists(game_id, games)
41 assert dealer in players, 'You are not a part of this game.'
42 assert len(players) > 1, 'You cannot start a hand by yourself.'
44 previous_hand_id = games[game_id, 'current_hand']
45 if previous_hand_id is not None:
46 assert hands[previous_hand_id, 'payed_out'], 'The previous hand has not been payed out yet.'
48 hand_id = create_hand_id(name=game_id)
49 # Update game state
50 games[game_id, 'current_hand'] = hand_id
51 # Update hand state
52 hands[hand_id, 'previous_hand_id'] = previous_hand_id
53 hands[hand_id, 'game_id'] = game_id
54 hands[hand_id, 'dealer'] = dealer
55 hands[hand_id, 'folded'] = []
56 hands[hand_id, 'completed'] = False
57 hands[hand_id, 'payed_out'] = False
58 hands[hand_id, 'reached_dealer'] = False
59 hands[hand_id, 'active_players'] = []
60 hands[hand_id, 'current_bet'] = 0
61 hands[hand_id, 'pot'] = 0
62 hands[hand_id, 'all_in'] = []
63 return hand_id
65 @export
66 def ante_up(hand_id: str, player: str, games: Any, hands: Any):
67 game_id = hands[hand_id, 'game_id']
68 assert game_id is not None, 'This game does not exist.'
69 players = get_players_and_assert_exists(game_id, games)
70 assert player in players, 'You are not a part of this game.'
71 ante = games[game_id, 'ante']
72 chips = games[game_id, player]
73 assert chips is not None and chips >= ante, 'You do not have enough chips.'
74 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players'] or []
75 assert player not in active_players, 'You have already paid the ante.'
76 game_type = games[game_id, 'game_type']
77 if game_type == STUD_POKER:
78 max_players = 52 // games[game_id, 'n_cards_total']
79 elif game_type == HOLDEM_POKER:
80 max_players = 10
81 elif game_type == OMAHA_POKER:
82 max_players = 10
83 else:
84 max_players = 50
85 assert len(active_players) < max_players, f'A maximum of {max_players} is allowed for this game type.'
86 # Pay ante
87 hands[hand_id, player, 'bet'] = ante
88 hands[hand_id, player, 'max_bet'] = chips
89 games[game_id, player] -= ante
90 # Update hand state
91 active_players.append(player)
92 active_players.sort(key=active_player_sort(players))
93 hands[hand_id, 'active_players'] = active_players
94 hands[hand_id, 'current_bet'] = ante
95 hands[hand_id, 'pot'] += ante
96 if chips == ante:
97 # All in
98 all_in = hands[hand_id, 'all_in']
99 all_in.append(player)
100 hands[hand_id, 'all_in'] = all_in
103 @export
104 def deal_cards(hand_id: str, dealer: str, games: Any, hands: Any, player_metadata: Any):
106 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players']
108 assert dealer == hands[hand_id, 'dealer'], 'You are not the dealer.'
109 assert len(active_players) > 1, f'Not enough active players: {len(active_players)} <= 1'
110 assert dealer in active_players, 'You are not actively part of this hand.'
112 game_id = hands[hand_id, 'game_id']
113 game_type = games[game_id, 'game_type']
115 cards = evaluator.get_deck()
117 n_cards_total = games[game_id, 'n_cards_total']
118 n_hole_cards = games[game_id, 'n_hole_cards']
120 if game_type == HOLDEM_POKER or game_type == OMAHA_POKER:
121 community_cards = [",".join(cards[0:3]), cards[3], cards[4]]
122 else:
123 community_cards = None
125 for i in range(len(active_players)):
126 player = active_players[i]
127 player_key = player_metadata[player, 'public_rsa_key']
128 assert player_key is not None, f'Player {player} has not setup their encryption keys.'
129 keys = player_key.split('|')
130 assert len(keys) == 2, 'Invalid keys'
132 if game_type == ONE_CARD_POKER:
133 player_hand = cards[i: i+1]
134 elif game_type == BLIND_POKER:
135 # Player's hand is actually everyone elses hand
136 player_hand = cards[0:i] + cards[i+1:len(active_players)]
137 assert len(player_hand) == len(active_players)-1, f'Something went wrong. {len(player_hand)} != {len(active_players)-1}'
138 elif game_type == STUD_POKER:
139 player_hand = cards[n_cards_total*i:n_cards_total*i+n_cards_total]
140 assert len(player_hand) == n_cards_total, 'Something went wrong.'
141 elif game_type == HOLDEM_POKER:
142 player_hand = cards[5+2*i:5+2*i+2]
143 elif game_type == OMAHA_POKER:
144 player_hand = cards[5+4*i:5+4*i+4]
145 else:
146 assert False, 'Invalid game type.'
148 player_hand_str = ",".join(player_hand)
150 if n_hole_cards is not None and n_hole_cards < n_cards_total:
151 public_hand_str = ",".join(player_hand[n_hole_cards:])
152 else:
153 public_hand_str = None
155 salt = str(random.randint(0, MAX_RANDOM_NUMBER))
157 if community_cards is not None:
158 # TODO make this more efficient
159 pad1 = otp.generate_otp(80)
160 pad2 = otp.generate_otp(20)
161 pad3 = otp.generate_otp(20)
162 salt1 = str(random.randint(0, MAX_RANDOM_NUMBER))
163 salt2 = str(random.randint(0, MAX_RANDOM_NUMBER))
164 salt3 = str(random.randint(0, MAX_RANDOM_NUMBER))
165 if i == 0:
166 community_cards[0] = otp.encrypt(community_cards[0], pad1, safe=False)
167 community_cards[1] = otp.encrypt(community_cards[1], pad2, safe=False)
168 community_cards[2] = otp.encrypt(community_cards[2], pad3, safe=False)
169 else:
170 community_cards[0] = otp.encrypt_hex(community_cards[0], pad1, safe=False)
171 community_cards[1] = otp.encrypt_hex(community_cards[1], pad2, safe=False)
172 community_cards[2] = otp.encrypt_hex(community_cards[2], pad3, safe=False)
173 pad1_with_salt = f'{pad1}:{salt1}'
174 pad2_with_salt = f'{pad2}:{salt2}'
175 pad3_with_salt = f'{pad3}:{salt3}'
176 encrypted_pad1 = rsa.encrypt(
177 message_str=pad1_with_salt,
178 n=int(keys[0]),
179 e=int(keys[1])
180 )
181 encrypted_pad2 = rsa.encrypt(
182 message_str=pad2_with_salt,
183 n=int(keys[0]),
184 e=int(keys[1])
185 )
186 encrypted_pad3 = rsa.encrypt(
187 message_str=pad3_with_salt,
188 n=int(keys[0]),
189 e=int(keys[1])
190 )
191 hands[hand_id, player, 'player_encrypted_pad1'] = encrypted_pad1
192 hands[hand_id, player, 'player_encrypted_pad2'] = encrypted_pad2
193 hands[hand_id, player, 'player_encrypted_pad3'] = encrypted_pad3
194 hands[hand_id, player, 'house_encrypted_pad1'] = hashlib.sha3(pad1_with_salt)
195 hands[hand_id, player, 'house_encrypted_pad2'] = hashlib.sha3(pad2_with_salt)
196 hands[hand_id, player, 'house_encrypted_pad3'] = hashlib.sha3(pad3_with_salt)
198 player_hand_str_with_salt = f'{player_hand_str}:{salt}'
200 # Encrypt players hand with their personal keys
201 player_encrypted_hand = rsa.encrypt(
202 message_str=player_hand_str_with_salt,
203 n=int(keys[0]),
204 e=int(keys[1])
205 )
207 # For verification purposes
208 house_encrypted_hand = hashlib.sha3(player_hand_str_with_salt)
210 if public_hand_str is not None:
211 hands[hand_id, player, 'public_hand'] = public_hand_str
212 hands[hand_id, player, 'player_encrypted_hand'] = player_encrypted_hand
213 hands[hand_id, player, 'house_encrypted_hand'] = house_encrypted_hand
215 # Update hand state
216 all_in = hands[hand_id, 'all_in']
217 dealer_index = active_players.index(dealer)
218 split = (dealer_index+1)%len(active_players)
219 ordered_players = active_players[split:] + active_players[:split]
220 next_better = get_next_better(active_players, [], all_in, dealer)
221 hands[hand_id, 'next_better'] = next_better
222 hands[hand_id, 'active_players'] = ordered_players
223 if community_cards is not None:
224 hands[hand_id, 'community_encrypted'] = community_cards
225 hands[hand_id, 'community'] = [None, None, None]
228 def find_winners(ranks: dict, players: list) -> list:
229 sorted_rank_values = sorted(ranks.keys(), reverse=True)
230 player_set = set(players)
231 for rank in sorted_rank_values:
232 players_with_rank = ranks[rank]
233 intersection = player_set.intersection(set(players_with_rank))
234 if len(intersection) > 0:
235 # Found players
236 winners = list(intersection)
237 break
238 return winners
241 def get_next_better(players: list, folded: list, all_in: list, current_better: str) -> str:
242 if len(folded) >= len(players) - 1:
243 return None # No one needs to bet, only one player left in the hand
244 if len(players) == len(all_in):
245 return None # No one needs to bet, everyone is all in
246 non_folded_players = [p for p in players if p not in folded and p not in all_in]
247 if len(non_folded_players) == 1:
248 # No need to bet in this case
249 return None
250 current_index = non_folded_players.index(current_better)
251 #assert current_index >= 0, 'Current better has folded, which does not make sense.'
252 return non_folded_players[(current_index + 1) % len(non_folded_players)]
255 def handle_done_betting(hand_id: str, game_type: int, next_better: str, active_players: list, folded: list, all_in: list, dealer: str, hands: Any) -> str:
256 if game_type == HOLDEM_POKER or game_type == OMAHA_POKER:
257 # multi rounds
258 round = hands[hand_id, 'round'] or 0
259 round += 1
260 hands[hand_id, 'round'] = round
261 if round == 4:
262 hands[hand_id, 'completed'] = True
263 else:
264 # Find first available person left of dealer
265 dealer_index = active_players.index(dealer)
266 for i in range(len(active_players) - 1):
267 player = active_players[(dealer_index+i+1)%len(active_players)]
268 if player not in folded and player not in all_in:
269 next_better = player
270 break
271 hands[hand_id, f'needs_reveal{round}'] = True
272 else:
273 hands[hand_id, 'completed'] = True
274 return next_better
277 def assertRevealedOtps(player: str, hand_id: str, hands: Any) -> bool:
278 return (hands[hand_id, player, 'pad1'] is not None
279 and hands[hand_id, player, 'pad2'] is not None
280 and hands[hand_id, player, 'pad3'] is not None)
282 @export
283 def bet_check_or_fold(hand_id: str, bet: float, player: str, games: Any, hands: Any):
284 assert hands[hand_id, player, 'player_encrypted_hand'] is not None, 'Hand does not exist'
285 assert not hands[hand_id, 'completed'], 'This hand has already completed.'
286 assert hands[hand_id, 'next_better'] == player, 'It is not your turn to bet.'
288 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players']
289 folded = hands[hand_id, 'folded']
290 all_in = hands[hand_id, 'all_in']
292 call_bet = hands[hand_id, 'current_bet'] or 0
293 player_previous_bet = hands[hand_id, player, 'bet'] or 0
294 dealer = hands[hand_id, 'dealer']
296 next_better = get_next_better(active_players, folded, all_in, player)
298 if next_better is None:
299 # No need to bet, this is the end of the hand
300 hands[hand_id, 'completed'] = True
301 else:
302 next_index = active_players.index(next_better)
303 current_index = active_players.index(player)
304 possible_round_end = next_index < current_index
306 game_id = hands[hand_id, 'game_id']
307 game_type = games[game_id, 'game_type']
309 if game_type == OMAHA_POKER or game_type == HOLDEM_POKER:
310 # Make sure community cards are revealed
311 round = hands[hand_id, 'round']
312 if round is not None and round in (TURN, FLOP, RIVER):
313 assert not hands[hand_id, f'needs_reveal{round}'], 'Required community cards have not been revealed.'
315 next_players_bet = hands[hand_id, next_better, 'bet']
316 if bet < 0:
317 # Folding
318 if game_type == OMAHA_POKER or game_type == HOLDEM_POKER:
319 # Make sure they revealed
320 assert assertRevealedOtps(player, hand_id, hands), 'Please reveal your portion of the community cards.'
321 folded.append(player)
322 hands[hand_id, 'folded'] = folded
323 if player in all_in:
324 all_in.remove(player)
325 hands[hand_id, 'all_in'] = all_in
326 if len(folded) == len(active_players) - 1:
327 hands[hand_id, 'completed'] = True
328 current_bet = call_bet
329 else:
330 if bet == 0:
331 # Checking
332 max_bet = hands[hand_id, player, 'max_bet']
333 if max_bet == player_previous_bet and player not in all_in:
334 all_in.append(player)
335 hands[hand_id, 'all_in'] = all_in
336 current_bet = player_previous_bet
337 else:
338 # Betting
339 assert games[game_id, player] >= bet, 'You do not have enough chips to make this bet'
340 bet_type = games[game_id, 'bet_type']
341 if bet_type == POT_LIMIT:
342 pot = hands[hand_id, 'pot']
343 assert bet <= pot, f'Cannot overbet the pot in pot-limit mode.'
344 current_bet = player_previous_bet + bet
345 max_bet = hands[hand_id, player, 'max_bet']
346 if max_bet == current_bet and player not in all_in:
347 all_in.append(player)
348 hands[hand_id, 'all_in'] = all_in
349 hands[hand_id, player, 'bet'] = current_bet
350 hands[hand_id, 'current_bet'] = current_bet
351 hands[hand_id, 'pot'] += bet
352 games[game_id, player] -= bet
353 assert max_bet == current_bet or current_bet >= call_bet, 'Current bet is above your bet and you did not go all in.'
354 if possible_round_end and next_players_bet is not None and next_players_bet == current_bet:
355 next_better = handle_done_betting(hand_id, game_type, next_better, active_players, folded, all_in, dealer, hands)
357 hands[hand_id, 'next_better'] = next_better
360 @export
361 def reveal_otp(hand_id: str, pad: int, salt: int, index: int, player: str, hands: Any):
362 assert index in (FLOP, TURN, RIVER), 'Invalid index.'
363 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players']
364 assert active_players is not None, 'This hand does not exist.'
365 player_index = active_players.index(player)
366 assert player_index >= 0, 'You are not in this hand.'
367 # verify authenticity of key
368 assert hashlib.sha3(f'{pad}:{salt}') == hands[hand_id, player, f'house_encrypted_pad{index}'], 'Invalid key or salt.'
369 hands[hand_id, player, f'pad{index}'] = pad
372 @export
373 def reveal(hand_id: str, index: int, hands: Any) -> str:
374 assert index in (FLOP, TURN, RIVER), 'Invalid index.'
375 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players']
376 community = hands[hand_id, 'community']
377 enc = hands[hand_id, 'community_encrypted'][index-1]
378 n_players = len(active_players)
379 for i in range(n_players):
380 player = active_players[-1-i]
381 pad = hands[hand_id, player, f'pad{index}']
382 assert pad is not None, f'Player {player} has not revealed their pad.'
383 if i != n_players - 1:
384 enc = otp.decrypt_hex(
385 encrypted_str=enc,
386 otp=int(pad),
387 safe=False
388 )
389 else:
390 enc = otp.decrypt(
391 encrypted_str=enc,
392 otp=int(pad),
393 safe=False
394 )
395 community[index-1] = enc
396 hands[hand_id, 'community'] = community
397 hands[hand_id, f'needs_reveal{index}'] = False
398 return enc
401 @export
402 def verify_hand(hand_id: str, player_hand_str: str, player: str, games: Any, hands: Any) -> str:
403 assert hands[hand_id, 'completed'], 'This hand has not completed yet.'
404 folded = hands[hand_id, 'folded']
405 assert player not in folded, 'No need to verify your hand because you folded.'
406 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players']
407 assert player in active_players, 'You are not an active player in this hand.'
409 # Check if player has bet enough
410 bet_should_equal = hands[hand_id, 'current_bet']
411 assert bet_should_equal is not None, 'There is no current bet.'
413 player_bet = hands[hand_id, player, 'bet']
414 assert player_bet is not None, 'You have not bet yet.'
416 assert bet_should_equal == player_bet or player in hands[hand_id, 'all_in'], 'Bets have not stabilized.'
418 # For verification purposes
419 house_encrypted_hand = hashlib.sha3(player_hand_str)
421 previous_house_encrypted_hand = hands[hand_id, player, 'house_encrypted_hand']
423 verified = previous_house_encrypted_hand is not None and \
424 previous_house_encrypted_hand == house_encrypted_hand
426 if not verified:
428 folded.append(player)
429 hands[hand_id, 'folded'] = folded
431 return 'Verification failed. Your hand has been forfeited.'
433 else:
434 cards = player_hand_str.split(':')[0].split(',')
436 game_id = hands[hand_id, 'game_id']
437 game_type = games[game_id, 'game_type']
439 if game_type == BLIND_POKER:
440 j = 0
441 for p in active_players:
442 if p != player:
443 if p not in folded:
444 card = cards[j]
445 rank = evaluator.evaluate([card])
446 if hands[hand_id, p, 'rank'] is None:
447 hands[hand_id, p, 'rank'] = rank
448 hands[hand_id, p, 'hand'] = card
449 j += 1
450 else:
451 if game_type == HOLDEM_POKER or game_type == OMAHA_POKER:
452 # Add community cards
453 community = hands[hand_id, 'community']
454 assert community is not None, 'Please reveal the community cards first.'
455 assert community[0] is not None and community[1] is not None and community[2] is not None, 'Please reveal all community cards.'
456 cards.extend(community[0].split(','))
457 cards.extend(community[1:])
458 rank = evaluator.evaluate(cards)
459 hands[hand_id, player, 'rank'] = rank
460 hands[hand_id, player, 'hand'] = cards
462 return 'Verification succeeded.'
465 def calculate_ranks(hand_id: str, players: list, hands: Any) -> dict:
466 ranks = {}
467 for p in players:
468 rank = hands[hand_id, p, 'rank']
469 assert rank is not None, f'Player {p} has not verified their hand yet.'
470 if rank not in ranks:
471 ranks[rank] = []
472 ranks[rank].append(p)
473 return ranks
476 @export
477 def payout_hand(hand_id: str, games: Any, hands: Any):
478 pot = hands[hand_id, 'pot']
479 assert pot > 0, 'There is no pot to claim!'
480 assert not hands[hand_id, 'payed_out'], 'This hand has already been payed out.'
482 folded = hands[hand_id, 'folded']
483 all_in = hands[hand_id, 'all_in']
484 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players']
486 remaining = [p for p in active_players if p not in folded]
487 assert len(remaining) > 0, 'There are no remaining players.'
489 payouts = {}
491 if len(remaining) == 1:
492 # Just pay out, everyone else folded
493 payouts[remaining[0]] = pot
494 else:
495 ranks = calculate_ranks(hand_id, remaining, hands)
496 if len(all_in) > 0:
497 # Need to calculate split pots
498 all_in_map = {}
499 for player in all_in:
500 # Check all in amount
501 amount = hands[hand_id, player, 'max_bet']
502 all_in_map[player] = amount
503 all_pots = sorted(all_in_map.values())
504 unique_pots = []
505 for bet in all_pots:
506 if bet not in unique_pots:
507 unique_pots.append(bet)
508 total_payed_out = 0
509 previous_pot_payout = 0
510 for bet in unique_pots:
511 players_in_pot = []
512 for player in remaining:
513 if player not in all_in_map or all_in_map[player] >= bet:
514 players_in_pot.append(player)
515 pot_winners = find_winners(ranks, players_in_pot)
516 pot_payout = (bet * len(players_in_pot)) - previous_pot_payout
517 total_payed_out += pot_payout
518 payout = pot_payout / len(pot_winners)
519 for winner in pot_winners:
520 if winner not in payouts:
521 payouts[winner] = 0
522 payouts[winner] += payout
523 previous_pot_payout += pot_payout
525 remaining_to_payout = pot - total_payed_out
526 not_all_in = set(remaining).difference(set(all_in))
527 assert remaining_to_payout >= 0, 'Invalid remaining to payout.'
528 assert remaining_to_payout == 0 or len(not_all_in) > 0, 'Invalid state when calculating side pots.'
529 if remaining_to_payout > 0:
530 if len(not_all_in) == 1:
531 winners = not_all_in
532 else:
533 winners = find_winners(ranks, not_all_in)
534 payout = remaining_to_payout / len(winners)
535 for winner in winners:
536 if winner not in payouts:
537 payouts[winner] = 0
538 payouts[winner] += payout
539 else:
540 winners = find_winners(ranks, remaining)
541 payout = pot / len(winners)
542 for winner in winners:
543 payouts[winner] = payout
545 game_id = hands[hand_id, 'game_id']
546 for player, payout in payouts.items():
547 games[game_id, player] += payout
549 hands[hand_id, 'winners'] = list(payouts.keys())
550 hands[hand_id, 'payouts'] = payouts
551 hands[hand_id, 'payed_out'] = True
554 @export
555 def leave_hand(game_id: str, hand_id: str, player: str, force: bool, hands: Any, games: Any):
556 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players'] or []
557 if player in active_players:
558 if not force:
559 dealer = hands[hand_id, 'dealer']
560 assert player != dealer, 'Dealer cannot leave hand.'
561 folded = hands[hand_id, 'folded']
562 all_in = hands[hand_id, 'all_in']
563 next_better = hands[hand_id, 'next_better']
564 # Check game type
565 game_type = games[game_id, 'game_type']
566 if game_type == OMAHA_POKER or game_type == HOLDEM_POKER:
567 has_revealed = assertRevealedOtps(player, hand_id, hands)
568 if force and not has_revealed:
569 # Have to undo the hand :(
570 force_undo_hand(game_id, hand_id, hands, games)
571 else:
572 assert has_revealed, 'Please reveal your portion of the community cards.'
573 if next_better == player:
574 next_better = get_next_better(active_players, folded, all_in, player)
575 hands[hand_id, 'next_better'] = next_better
576 if player not in folded:
577 folded.append(player)
578 hands[hand_id, 'folded'] = folded
579 if player in all_in:
580 all_in.remove(player)
581 hands[hand_id, 'all_in'] = all_in
584 def force_undo_hand(game_id: str, hand_id: str, hands: Any, games: Any):
585 active_players = hands[hand_id, 'active_players'] or []
586 hands[hand_id, 'force_undo'] = True
587 hands[hand_id, 'completed'] = True
588 hands[hand_id, 'payed_out'] = True
589 for player in active_players:
590 bet = hands[hand_id, player, 'bet'] or 0
591 if bet > 0:
592 games[game_id, player] += bet

Byte Code
