Contract con_nebula_test

Contract Code

1 balances = Hash(default_value=0)
2 metadata = Hash()
3 tax_percent = Variable()
4 swap_allowed = Variable()
5 vault_contract = Variable()
6 tax_blacklist = Variable()
7 total_supply = Variable()
8 swap_end_date = Variable()
9 SWAP_FACTOR = 0.01
12 GOLD_CONTRACT = 'con_gold_contract'
14 'ae7d14d6d9b8443f881ba6244727b69b681010e782d4fe482dbfb0b6aca02d5d',
15 'e787ed5907742fa8d50b3ca2701ab8e03ec749ced806a15cdab800a127d7f863'
16 ]
17 @construct
18 def seed():
19 balances[ctx.caller] = 10_000_000
20 metadata['token_name'] = "Nebula TEST"
21 metadata['token_symbol'] = "NEBT"
22 metadata['operator'] = ctx.caller
23 tax_percent.set(2)
24 swap_allowed.set(False)
25 tax_blacklist.set(['con_rocketswap_official_v1_1'])
26 swap_end_date.set(now + datetime.timedelta(days=120))
27 vault_contract.set('')
28 total_supply.set(0)
29 @export
30 def change_metadata(key: str, value: Any):
31 assert_owner()
32 metadata[key] = value
33 @export
34 def transfer(amount: float, to: str):
35 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
36 assert balances[ctx.caller] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to send!'
37 balances[ctx.caller] -= amount
38 balances[to] += amount
39 if to in tax_blacklist.get():
40 pay_tax(amount)
41 @export
42 def approve(amount: float, to: str):
43 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
44 balances[ctx.caller, to] += amount
45 @export
46 def transfer_from(amount: float, to: str, main_account: str):
47 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
48 assert balances[main_account, ctx.caller] >= amount, 'Not enough coins approved to send! You have {} and are trying to spend {}'\
49 .format(balances[main_account, ctx.caller], amount)
50 assert balances[main_account] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to send!'
51 balances[main_account, ctx.caller] -= amount
52 balances[main_account] -= amount
53 balances[to] += amount
54 if to in tax_blacklist.get():
55 pay_tax(amount)
56 # ------ TAX ------
57 def pay_tax(amount: float):
58 tax_amount = int(amount / 100 * tax_percent.get())
59 if tax_amount > 0:
60 difference = int(balances[ctx.signer] - tax_amount)
61 assert balances[ctx.signer] >= tax_amount, 'Not enough coins to pay for NEB tax. Missing {} NEB'.format((difference * -1) + 1)
62 if not vault_contract.get():
64 else:
65 vault = vault_contract.get()
66 balances[vault] += tax_amount
67 balances[ctx.signer] -= tax_amount
68 @export
69 def set_tax(tax_in_percent: float):
70 assert_owner()
71 assert (tax_in_percent >= 0 and tax_in_percent <= 100), 'Value must be between 0 and 100'
72 tax_percent.set(tax_in_percent)
73 @export
74 def add_to_tax_blacklist(recipient: str):
75 assert_owner()
76 assert recipient not in tax_blacklist.get(), 'Recipient already on tax blacklist'
77 lst = tax_blacklist.get()
78 lst.append(recipient)
79 tax_blacklist.set(lst)
80 @export
81 def remove_from_tax_blacklist(recipient: str):
82 assert_owner()
83 assert recipient in tax_blacklist.get(), 'Recipient not on tax blacklist'
84 lst = tax_blacklist.get()
85 lst.remove(recipient)
86 tax_blacklist.set(lst)
87 # ------ SWAP ------
88 @export
89 def swap_gold(amount: float):
90 assert now < swap_end_date.get(), 'Swap period ended'
91 assert swap_allowed.get() == True, 'Swapping GOLD for NEB currently disabled'
92 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot swap negative balances!'
93 gold = importlib.import_module(GOLD_CONTRACT)
94 gold.transfer_from(amount=amount, to=BURN_ADDRESS, main_account=ctx.caller)
95 swap_amount = amount * SWAP_FACTOR
96 balances[ctx.caller] += swap_amount
97 total_supply.set(total_supply.get() + swap_amount)
98 @export
99 def enable_swap():
100 assert_owner()
101 swap_allowed.set(True)
102 @export
103 def disable_swap():
104 assert_owner()
105 swap_allowed.set(False)
106 @export
107 def time_until_swap_end():
108 return swap_end_date.get() - now
109 # ------ BURNING ------
110 @export
111 def burn(amount: float):
112 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot burn negative amount!'
113 assert balances[ctx.caller] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to burn!'
114 balances[BURN_ADDRESS] += amount
115 balances[ctx.caller] -= amount
116 # ------ VAULT ------
117 @export
118 def set_vault(contract: str):
119 assert_owner()
120 vault_contract.set(contract)
121 @export
122 def flush_internal_vault():
123 assert_owner()
124 assert vault_contract.get(), 'Vault contract not set!'
125 balances[vault_contract.get()] += balances[INTERNAL_VAULT]
126 balances[INTERNAL_VAULT] = 0
127 # ------ SUPPLY ------
128 @export
129 def circulating_supply():
130 return int(total_supply.get() - balances[BURN_ADDRESS])
131 @export
132 def total_supply():
133 return int(total_supply.get())
134 # ------ INTERNAL ------
135 def assert_owner():
136 assert ctx.caller in OPERATORS, 'Only executable by operators!'

Byte Code
