Contract con_launchpad_5

Contract Code

1 # Launchpad v0.5 with MOBGOV features but without MOB features
2 # Token Creator creates a token and puts amount of token up for sale.
3 # He will need to set a token contract, start, end time, hardcap, tokens for sale and maximum buy.
4 # People can invest TAU
5 # If end time reached and softcap reached - Make tokens available to claim
6 # If hardcap reached - Make tokens available to claim
7 # If endtime reached and softcap not reached - Refund TAU, Refund Tokens to Creator
8 #
9 #
11 I = importlib
12 random.seed() # To generate somewhat unique token sale id
14 token_sales = Hash(default_value=0)
15 investments = Hash(default_value=0)
17 sales = Variable() # IDs of all sales for listing on website
19 end_fee = Variable() # Only if sale is successful then fee of raised money
20 operator = Variable() # I can help when the sale is over but is not getting finalized
21 dev_fees = Variable()
22 mobgov_contract = Variable()
24 @construct
25 def seed():
26 end_fee.set(5)
27 operator.set(
28 "ff61544ea94eaaeb5df08ed863c4a938e9129aba6ceee5f31b6681bdede11b89")
29 sales.set("None")
30 mobgov_contract.set("con_mintorburn_gov")
32 @export
33 def create_sale(start_date_day: int, start_date_month: int, start_date_year: int, start_date_hour: int, start_date_minute: int, softcap: float, hardcap: float, max_buy: float, tokens_for_sale: float, token_contract: str, end_date_day: int, end_date_month: int, end_date_year: int, end_date_hour: int, end_date_minute: int):
34 token_sale_id = str(random.randint(0, 100000000))
35 assert token_sale_id not in sales.get().split(','), "Try again"
36 assert tokens_for_sale > 0, "The token amount needs to be over 0"
37 assert datetime.datetime(start_date_year, start_date_month, start_date_day, start_date_hour, start_date_minute) > now, "The start needs to be in the future"
38 assert datetime.datetime(end_date_year, end_date_month, end_date_day, end_date_hour, end_date_minute) > now, "The end needs to be in the future"
39 assert datetime.datetime(end_date_year, end_date_month, end_date_day, end_date_hour, end_date_minute) > datetime.datetime(start_date_year, start_date_month, start_date_day, start_date_hour, start_date_minute), "The end cannot be before the start"
40 I.import_module(token_contract).transfer_from(
41 main_account=ctx.caller,
42 amount=tokens_for_sale,
43 to=ctx.this)
44 token_sales[token_sale_id] = {"start_date": datetime.datetime(start_date_year, start_date_month, start_date_day, start_date_hour, start_date_minute), "end_date": datetime.datetime(
45 end_date_year, end_date_month, end_date_day, end_date_hour, end_date_minute), "softcap": softcap, "hardcap": hardcap, "max_buy": max_buy, "raised": decimal('0'), "tokens_for_sale": tokens_for_sale, "token_contract": token_contract, "seller": ctx.caller, "finalized": False, "success": False}
46 sales.set(sales.get() + "," + token_sale_id)
48 @export
49 def finalize(token_sale_id: str):
50 token_sale = token_sales[token_sale_id]
51 assert token_sale["finalized"] == False, "This sale is already finalized"
52 assert token_sale["end_date"] <= now, "The sale can only be finalized when the end date is reached"
53 assert token_sale["seller"] == ctx.caller or ctx.caller == operator.get(), "The sale can only be finalized by the seller"
54 if(token_sale["raised"] >= token_sale["softcap"]):
55 token_sale["success"] = True
56 I.import_module("currency").transfer(
57 amount=token_sale["raised"] - (token_sale["raised"] / 100 * end_fee.get()),
58 to=ctx.caller)
59 dev_fees.set(dev_fees.get() + (token_sale["raised"] / 100 * end_fee.get()))
60 if(token_sale["raised"] < token_sale["hardcap"]): # Refund the leftover tokens
61 I.import_module(token_sale["token_contract"]).transfer(
62 amount= (token_sale["hardcap"] / token_sale["tokens_for_sale"]) * (token_sale["hardcap"] - token_sale["raised"]),
63 to=ctx.caller)
64 else:
65 token_sale["success"] = False
66 I.import_module(token_sale["token_contract"]).transfer(
67 amount=token_sale["tokens_for_sale"],
68 to=ctx.caller)
69 token_sale["finalized"] = True
70 token_sales[token_sale_id] = token_sale
72 @export
73 def buy(token_sale_id: str, amount_to_invest: float):
74 mobgov_holders = ForeignHash(foreign_contract=mobgov_contract.get(), foreign_name='balances')
75 mobgov_advantage = 1
76 mobgov_early = False
77 if(mobgov_holders[ctx.caller] >= 100):
78 mobgov_advantage = 1.2
79 elif(mobgov_holders[ctx.caller] >= 1000):
80 mobgov_advantage = 1.5
81 mobgov_early = True
82 elif(mobgov_holders[ctx.caller] >= 5000):
83 mobgov_advantage = 2
84 mobgov_early = True
85 token_sale = token_sales[token_sale_id]
86 assert token_sale["finalized"] == False, "This sale is already finalized"
87 assert token_sale["end_date"] > now, "The end date is already reached"
88 assert token_sale["raised"] + amount_to_invest <= token_sale["hardcap"], "This buy would exceed the sale hardcap"
89 assert investments[token_sale_id, ctx.caller] + amount_to_invest <= token_sale["max_buy"] * mobgov_advantage, "You are not allowed to buy that much"
90 assert amount_to_invest > 0, "The buy amount needs to be over 0"
91 assert token_sale["start_date"] < now or mobgov_early == True and token_sale["start_date"] < (now - datetime.datetime(hour=1)), "The sale didnt start yet"
93 I.import_module("currency").transfer_from(
94 main_account=ctx.caller,
95 amount=amount_to_invest,
96 to=ctx.this)
97 token_sale["raised"] += amount_to_invest
98 investments[token_sale_id, ctx.caller] += amount_to_invest
99 token_sales[token_sale_id] = token_sale
101 @export
102 def claim(token_sale_id: str):
103 token_sale = token_sales[token_sale_id]
104 assert token_sale["finalized"] == True, "This sale needs to be finalized first"
105 if(token_sale["success"] == True):
106 I.import_module(token_sale["token_contract"]).transfer(
107 amount=token_sale["hardcap"] / token_sale["tokens_for_sale"] * investments[token_sale_id, ctx.caller],
108 to=ctx.caller)
109 investments[token_sale_id, ctx.caller] = 0
110 elif(token_sale["success"] == False):
111 I.import_module("currency").transfer(
112 amount=investments[token_sale_id, ctx.caller],
113 to=ctx.caller)
114 investments[token_sale_id, ctx.caller] = 0
117 @export
118 def admin_fee_claim(amount: float):
119 assert ctx.caller == operator.get(), "You are not the operator"
120 I.import_module("currency").transfer(
121 amount=amount,
122 to=ctx.caller)
123 dev_fees.set(dev_fees.get() - amount)
125 @export
126 def admin_set_mobgov_contract(contract: str):
127 assert ctx.caller == operator.get(), "You are not the operator"
128 mobgov_contract.set(contract)
130 @export
131 def admin_set_end_fee(fee: float):
132 assert ctx.caller == operator.get(), "You are not the operator"
133 end_fee.set(fee)

Byte Code
