Contract con_crafter_v2

Contract Code

1 I = importlib
2 random.seed()
4 nft_collection_contract = Variable()
5 owner = Variable()
6 craftable_things = Hash(default_value=0)
7 amount_crafted = Hash(default_value=0)
8 currency_contract = Variable()
10 @construct
11 def seed():
12 nft_collection_contract.set("con_lamden_realm_v2")
13 currency_contract.set("con_trt")
14 owner.set(ctx.caller)
16 @export
17 def craft(item_type: str):
18 assert item_type in craftable_things, "This item type is not craftable"
19 cost = craftable_things[item_type]["cost"]
20 I.import_module(currency_contract.get()).transfer_from(amount=cost, to="Burned", main_account=ctx.caller)
22 attributes = craftable_things[item_type]["attributes"]
23 final_metadata = {}
24 for attribute in attributes:
25 if isinstance(attributes[attribute], dict):
26 # take into account the preferred attribute and weight it based on if the min or max is preferred without using uniform
27 min_value = attributes[attribute]["min"]
28 max_value = attributes[attribute]["max"]
29 preferred = attributes[attribute]["preferred"]
30 if preferred == "min":
31 weight = (final_metadata[attribute] - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
32 final_metadata[attribute] = random.randint(min_value, final_metadata[attribute])
33 else:
34 weight = (max_value - final_metadata[attribute]) / (max_value - min_value)
35 final_metadata[attribute] = random.randint(final_metadata[attribute], max_value)
36 elif isinstance(attributes[attribute], list):
37 final_metadata[attribute] = random.choice(attributes[attribute])
38 image = random.choice(craftable_things[item_type]["images"])
39 final_metadata["type"] = item_type
40 amount_crafted[item_type] += 1
41 # Name will be the item type, but uppercase first letter + the amount crafted
42 name = item_type.capitalize() + " " + str(amount_crafted[item_type])
43 I.import_module(nft_collection_contract.get()).mint_nft(name=name, description="Item crafted by {}".format(ctx.caller), ipfs_image_url=image, metadata=final_metadata, amount=1)
44 I.import_module(nft_collection_contract.get()).transfer(amount=1, to=ctx.caller, name=name)
46 @export
47 def set_nft_collection_contract(contract: str):
48 assert ctx.caller == owner.get(), "Only the owner can set the NFT collection contract"
49 nft_collection_contract.set(contract)
51 @export
52 def modify_craftable_things(item_type: str, cost: float, attributes: dict, images: list):
53 assert ctx.caller == owner.get(), "Only the owner can modify the craftable things"
54 # ex item_type = "weapon"
55 # ex attributes = {
56 # "cooldown": {"min": 0.1, "max": 2, "preferred": "min"},
57 # "damage" : {"min": 1, "max": 80, "preferred": "max"},
58 # "effect" : ["cosmicball", "natureball", "fireball"],
59 # "max_distance" : {"min": 100, "max": 1000, "preferred": "max"}
60 # }
61 # ex images = ["", ""]
62 craftable_things[item_type] = {"attributes": attributes, "cost": cost, "images": images}

Byte Code
